IFRP sponsors Workshops, Conferences and Field Trips

to connect, inform, and support collaborative groups working to restore the resilience of Idaho forests.

Collaboration from Administration to Administration 

April 27-28, 2021
Virtual Conference


Evolving Forest Collaboration: Expanding Shared Stewardship

April 14-15, 2020
Virtual Conference
Conference Library>


Shared Stewardship

 April 30 - May 1, 2019: Boise, Idaho

  Building a Common Vision for Idaho

 Conference Library>

Sustaining Forest Collaboration in Idaho

 February 26-27, 2019: Boise, Idaho

 Expanding Shared Stewardship of Federal Forests

  Conference Library>>

 Resilient Landscapes and Thriving Communities

  March 20-21, 2018:  Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

  A Collaborative Vision for the Future

 Conference Library>>

Collaboration: Evolution and Innovation

 March 1-2, 2017. Boise Idaho
Collaboration:  The collaborative groups in Idaho continue to evolve and innovate in their efforts to restore forests at a landscape scale.  IFRP structures this two day workshop to review progress to date and strategies to sustain effective performance of consensus based collaboration.  Conference Library>>

Facing the Fire: New Tools and Science for Resilient Forests

February 24-25, 2016. Boise, Idaho

Facing the Fire:  The wildfires of 2015 left their footprint on the landscape and the management of public lands.  The conference aims to help local groups and the Forest Service build upon their understanding of wildfire and forest restoration. Conference Library>>

The Scale of Restoration: From Projects to Landscapes

February 18-19, 2015.  Boise, Idaho

From Projects to Landscapes will address the successes of and challenges to forest collaboration as the scale of restoration transitions from traditional projects to landscape analysis areas.  Conference Library>>

Accelerating Forest Restoration


February 19-20, 2014.  Boise, Idaho

The Accelerating Forest Restoration Workshop aims to help local groups and the Forest Service build on their successes.  Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell will speak on his agency’s efforts to accelerate forest restoration and collaboration.  Our agenda includes opportunities to interact directly with Chief Tidwell and explore a range of topics, including:  (1) USFS policies and programs that can help collaborative groups; (2) defining restoration success; and (3) communicating with the public.  Conference Library>>

The Road to Restoration

January 23-24, 2013.  Boise, Idaho

The Road to Restoration Workshop aims to help local groups build on their successes.  This workshop has three objectives:  (1) share lessons learned with people from across Idaho; (2) explore cutting edge issues such integrating road management into forest restoration; and (3) learn how new Forest Service policies and initiatives could affect collaboration.  Conference Library>>

Making Collaborative Forest Restoration Work in Idaho

January 31, 2012.  Boise Idaho

The workshop  was designed for current members of Idaho collaborative groups, as well as those considering starting such a group.  The sessions offered practical tools for collaborators to use when working in forests that have evolved with a mixed-severity fire regime, including those dominated by grand fir, western hemlock, western red cedar and subalpine fir.  While these forest types comprise  nearly 3/4 of all National Forests in Idaho, stakeholders struggle to reach consensus on management need and treatment methods.  Conference Library>>


The Potential Roles of Biomass Energy and Wood Products in Supporting Forest Restoration

February 1, 2012  Boise, Idaho

Organized by the Society of American Foresters Snake River Chapter and Idaho Forest Restoration Partnership, the conference addressed methods to capture the economic value of the wood products produced by forest restoration.  The target audience included land management agency staff, timber industry managers, local government and community representatives, and conservationists.

Conference Library>>

Collaborative Forest Restoration in Idaho: Tools and Practices

January 19-20, 2011.  Boise, Idaho.

 The workshop brought together participants in forest collaboration from throughout Idaho to share perspectives and lessons learned.  Sessions addressed key issues with congressional staff, Forest Service leaders, and other subject matter experts.  The workshop concluded with a discussion of whether there is a need for a network to connect and inform forest collaborative groups working in Idaho.  A discussion Forum supports communication between Workshop participants.  Conference Library>> 

Climate Change, Bioenergy, and Sustaining Forests of Idaho and Montana

March 2010. Boise, Idaho.

The conference organizing committee, with SAF leadership,  formed the Idaho Forest  Restoration Partnership.  The conference presentations are a source of reference materials for those interested in forest restoration.  Conference Library>>