Jack J. Lavin Collaboration Fund
Scholarships are available to help defray costs associated with training to improve the ability of Idaho collaborative groups to address outstanding issues and achieve consensus regarding forest restoration recommendations, including onsite and online training, train-the-trainer activities and collaborative group member travel to training.
Applicants must detail how scholarship funds would be used to achieve the objective outlined above and identify other funding sources that will also be used to complete the training in their request. Grant awards will typically range from $200-$1,000. The Collaboration Fund requires a minimum of a 100% funding match from other sources.
The IFRP will review applications at their monthly meeting (first Friday of each month). Applicants should plan on submitting requests at least one month in advance to ensure funds are committed prior to incurring the expense. All IFRP funds will be paid after the actual training expenses are incurred and receipts verifying expenses are submitted to the IFRP.