The Idaho Forest Restoration Partnership is sponsoring a pilot survey of Idaho's Shared Stewardship program to track progress over time.  The Idaho State Forester and both Forest Service Regional Foresters (Northern and Intermountain) have External link opens in new tab or windowsigned this letter of support and encourage you to participate in the survey.

The USDA Forest Service and the State of Idaho signed tExternal link opens in new tab or windowhe Shared Stewardship Agreement in December 2018.  The Agreement is Idaho's response to a national effort that will direct resources to priority landscapes, protect communities from uncharacteristic wildfires, and mitigate threats to forests.

The Idaho agreement commits the two agencies "to jointly work with other stake holders - federal, state, tribal, non-governmental organizations, communities, and universities - to help identify land management priorities and desired conditions, using all available authorities and active management tools.”   The survey objective is to provide an initial assessment of agency outreach to stakeholders. The results will provide a baseline for comparison in subsequent years.

As a pilot, the survey will also help on a national basis to inform USFS, other states and stakeholders implementing shared stewardship if this survey approach is an effective performance measure with respect to collaboration and partnership efforts of management units.

We are asking forest collaborative participants - including collaborative members, Forest Service staff, Idaho Department of Lands Staff, and members of the Governor's Shared Stewardship Advisory Group (SSAG) - to spend a few minutes filling out this survey. 

The Survey will close Friday, October 9, 2020.  All participants shall remain anonymous. The results will be shared with participating collaborative groups, Forest Service staff, Idaho Department of Lands staff and the SSAG  with an eye toward improving the implementation of this program.

The Survey

 The survey consists of 43 questions and are multiple choice  Estimated time to complete is 10-12 minutes.